• HTML Encoder/Decoder

    Encodes/Decodes text into HTML friendly formats

  • DNS Tool

    DNS/WhoIs lookup tool

  • Cody House

    A free library of HTML, CSS, JS nuggets.

  • DevFreeCasts

    A huge collection of free screencasts for developers.

  • Creator

    Build better Ionic apps, faster.

  • Peek

    Get a free, 5-minute video of someone using your site.

  • Getting Real

    The smarter way to build web apps. A free book by 37signals.

  • Devport

    Get your developer portfolio.

  • Loggly

    Simplify Log Management Forever. Free for one user.

  • Rollbar

    Full-stack error monitoring for all apps in any language.

  • Pingdom

    Website monitoring. Free for one website.

  • Opbeat

    The first ops platform for developers. Free for small teams.

  • StartSSL

    Free SSL certificates.

  • TinyCert

    Free SSL certificates for your startup.

  • Searchcode

    Search over 20 billion lines of code.

  • Codacy

    Continuous Static Analysis designed to complement your unit tests.

  • LingoHub

    Free for Small Teams, Open Source usage and Educational projects.

  • Coveralls

    Test coverage history and statistics.

  • Keen.io

    Gather all the data you want & start getting the answers you need.

  • Swiftype

    Add great search to any website. Free with limitations.

  • Landscape

    Landscape is an early warning system for your Python codebase.

  • Visual Studio

    Comprehensive collection of developer tools and services.

  • Chisel

    Chisel offers an unlimited number of fossil repositories.

  • BitBucket

    Git and Mercurial code management for teams

  • GitHub

    Build software better, together.

  • Hive

    First free unlimited cloud service in the world.